Phylecture....ASCII trace to JHBwwLitaneiwwZirkularwwGrünRauschwwRiemannwwDrahtschafwwSteinbockwwKindler

Little Litany Loop 77-97-114-105-97
pencil and coloured pencil on paper
plano 24 x 30 cm, folded 18 x 24 x 3 cm, 2015
Little Litany Loop 84-104-111-109-97-115
pencil and coloured pencil on paper
plano 24 x 30 cm, folded 18 x 24 x 3 cm, 2015
The format is the frame for a systematic drawing process, which in most cases creates a closed system as form. This closed system (loop) consists of many lines, which are connected by specific rules to a single, endless line, where every point is at the same time starting and ending point.
This kind of recursive kind of drawing started with straight lines around 1992 (compare Geschlossenes System or Gravur). , and with radiuses In 2012 (compare Zirkular).
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In 2015 it turned out, that the loop drawings function even with a variety of different radiuses, which are repeated as a sequence. Little Litany Loop is a cycle of 25 drawings; each part is based on the spelling of a certain name. The ASCII code of each letter serves as measure for the radius (in mm). For instance "Thomas" is converted into the repeted radius sequence of 84, 104, 111, 109, 97 and 115 mm. The capitals are always emphasized by coloured lines, as a kind of poetic justice for the circumstance, that they always have a smaller ASCII code and radius than minuscules.

Concerning the ASCII code, compare Kafka.

Before folding the paper at the format edge of the drawing, it looks like this :

Little Name Loop 83-101-101-98-97-99-104
pencil and coloured pencil on paper
plano 24 x 30 cm, folded 18 x 24 x 3 cm, 2015